Joaquín Prat feeds the rumors of paternity and marriage with Alexia Pla: “It is never too late”

Joaquín Prat ended his relationship with Yolanda Bravo in the summer of 2021 after twelve years of relationship and a child in common, Joaquín Prat Jr.who was born in 2015. More than a year later, in November of last year, he began to give clues on social networks that he was in love again and, shortly after, the identity of the lucky woman, a Valencian nurse named Alexia Pla.

This Tuesday, in it’s already noon, a pediatrician has intervened to talk about babies, maternity and paternity. Following the information from the specialist, the presenter commented: “I take note for the future, I don’t know. It’s never too late.”

Despite being very reserved with his private life, the Mediaset presenter also fueled the rumors of a possible wedding between the two. He did it last March: “I unfamiliarized myself with this matter many years ago and perhaps I will become familiar with it again,” he said when in Ana Rosa’s program they spoke of links and ceremonies.

The communicator was married from 2005 to 2009 with Paula Gonzalez. Months later he met Yolanda Bravo, who already had three children from a previous relationship and who became fundamental pillars for him. The little one they have in common was brought into the world on April 14, 2015. With Alexia Pla he frequently shows photos of him on social networks. The Valencian woman has changed his life and has made him believe in love again.
