Infanta Cristina turns 58 with Irene’s graduation party: when you meet your ex even in Geneva

This June is the month of infanta christina. This Tuesday the 13th he turns 58, just a few days after his daughter, Irene, blew out 18 candles. The coming of age of the youngest Urdangarin-Borbón marks the steps of her parents to start the procedures of the long-awaited divorce.

This untenable situation of stand-by that Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin and that finally gives the green light to their final marital breakup. But not only that. It also means for the daughter of emeritus kings her official return to singleness. In this thorny context, the Urdangarin-Borbón family meets in Geneva to celebrate Irene’s graduation. In other words, the infanta and her ex will meet again.

Summit in Ginebra

If a few days ago we saw Don Juan Carlos y doña sofia At the wedding of Hussein, son of Abdalá and Rania of Jordan, in Amman, now the emeritus would meet again. The format changes because instead of being an official event it is a private party. This is the graduation of Irene Urdangarin, which will take place in Geneva (Switzerland), according to OK Daily. It will be this Friday June 16th. In this summit, not only the parents, siblings of the youngest and maternal grandparents would meet, Victoria Federica and the Infanta Elena are also expected.
