Piqué gets pimped before the accusations of offending: “And if he had entered a parking lot at 120, what?”

Gerard Piqué He is once again at the center of the controversy and this time not because of his courtship with the twenty-year-old Clara Chiabut because of the accusations of disrespect and infringement that the daughter of the coach Paco Jémez has poured out, Nadia Jemezabout him.

“I don’t like him badly. Personally, he is not a person who gives me confidence. On occasions when I have been with him, for me he has not been a person to whom I owe respect because he has not behaved well with others” , said the young woman about the former soccer player in a video that she shared on social networks.

“Once he was with him in the car and he thought it was super cool to skip all the traffic lights on the Diagonal. And enter a parking lot at practically a hundred-odd speed. The man in the parking lot told him: ‘Look, you can’t enter like that.’ And he replied: ‘Okay, well, yes, great, buy yourself a friend’. And I, saying: ‘Please, get me out of here’. It made me feel ashamed …”, added the influencer.

Piqué himself has reacted to Nadia’s statements in a chat on Twitch. “How the hell did Gerard Piqué enter a parking lot at 120?” he wondered. River Llanos. “It is not viable, it is impossible,” said the president of Kosmos between laughs, but then he contradicted himself: “And if he had entered, what?”

another testimony

Regarding this type of behavior with the car, a witness told Socialité another episode that he assures that he lived with the Catalan: “I worked in a sushi restaurant where Piqué came a lot. And I parked the car in the side lanes of Passeig de Gràcia , which is not possible. And he would go in to eat for hours while leaving the car with the turn signals.

“One of those days when he left the car in the middle, my partner told him: ‘Gerard, go out for the car, they’re fined you’. And he answered, super cool: ‘What’s wrong, the police don’t know my car?’ My partner told him to help him, and he answered her badly. He went out and I think he managed not to be fined,” added the source to the Telecinco program.
