Terelu swallows a wave of criticism for her orange dress with sequins: “You look like a butane canister”

The end of Save me It is just around the corner, specifically it will turn off its lights on June 23 after fourteen years on the air. La Muralla, the famous bar in the vicinity of Mediaset, is witnessing the last drinks and tapas of the collaborators after leaving the program, but it is not the only place where they have been seen to drown their sorrows after the announcement of the cancellation of the program.

Specifically, at the wedding of Raúl Prieto, former director of Save me, with Joaquín Torres, the famous architect, which is being held this Friday May 19 with great expectation at the Casa de Pilatos in Seville. The pre-wedding was held this Thursday with Belén Esteban (with Miguel Marcos), Carlota Corredera, David Valldeperas or Rocío Carrasco, designated as responsible for the debacle of Save meat the head of the guests of the link.

Terelu Campos He was also present at the pre-wedding. She came in a minidress, vitamin orange with sequins and topped with bird feathers. “Enjoying the pre-wedding of one of the men in my life and her future husband whom I love too. And tomorrow’s wedding!” She wrote on Instagram.

On the comment wall, a real war broke out between those who beat her up for the design (“With all due respect, that dress doesn’t suit you”, “Orange is in, sequins are in, feathers are in, but everything Not at the same time. Please, someone who advises her with love”, “Will we have to go in disguise?”, “Was it a costume party? If so, you are perfectly disguised as a butane cylinder” or “Holy God blessed” ) and those who defended it tooth and nail as authentic Camposlovers (“Is it possible for everyone to dress and do what they really want without criticizing everything?” or “Very pretty, Terelu)”.

Be that as it may, for tastes the colors and that each one looks and defends what they like. Good for her.