Dabiz Muñoz sarcastically responds to the ‘scandal’ of semen in Diverxo: “The basis is dedication and love”

Social networks have been revolutionized for two days by the latest culinary discovery of Dabiz Muñozowner of Divergent and husband of Cristina Pedroche. And it is that after experimenting with roe, tongues and even ants, Shirako arrives, a dish made from puffer fish semen. The joke has placed the chef and his restaurant on the Trending Topic and he has responded with the same sense of humor to the wishes of his followers: “The basis for making a good plate of semen (shirako) is to treat it with dedication and love. We are already working on it!”

It was in 2017, during a trip to Japan, when Muñoz tried grilled octopus semen for the first time at the Sushiso Masa Tokyo restaurant: “First semen I’ve tried and I loved it. It won’t be the last!”, he said. A few months later, he repeated. This time with puffer fish shirako at Hakkoku restaurant: “Indescribable. It blew my mind.”

Since then, the possibility that the chef included the exotic ingredient in the Diverxo menu was a widespread rumor that this Friday, finally, the person concerned himself confirmed: “It is a request that has gained many followers this week. You are legion” , has said.

As we said, the joke on the networks has been viral and the memes and comments have multiplied in the last 48 hours.