The obsession of the son of Camillus Sextus by wigs exceeds the limits of normality. Since Camilin He discovered in a suitcase the ones his father used. He has not stopped buying wigs on Amazon. He has them in many colors, his favorites are red and blue, but he also has fluorescent ones, with curls, blondes, redheads, white or yellow. Good money has been spent, because many are made with natural hair, which is very expensive. Most of them come from Japan and Southeast Asia, he is a maniac and can spend hours choosing models. The more extravagant, the better.
Now she has taken to dressing as a woman and also buys women’s underwear online, especially thong-type panties, takes photos with them and uploads them to social networks.
Another added problem is the poor condition of your teeth. From his surroundings we get the news that he is getting his mouth fixed and they are going to put some veneers on him. But what is unfortunate is that he flaunts his gaps and bad teeth in public.
Oblivious to his mother’s warning messages, he continues to receive unwelcome visitors at his house, who bring him what he calls “sweets.” A good listener, few words are enough. As long as he continues with this dynamic of self-destruction, it is a difficult task to make him see reason. His mother, Lourdes Ornelas, has tried many times to lead him back on the right path without achieving the expected results. It is easy to understand the desperation of the Mexican.