The RFEF declares the Ciudad del Fútbol a smoke-free space


The facilities of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) in the Ciudad del Fútbol de Las Rozas (Madrid) have been declared a smoke-free space since Friday, as a “health protection” measure, the federation has confirmed. .

This is a pioneering initiative at the national level, and will allow the RFEF to comply with one of the sustainable development objectives set out by the UN and the 2030 Agenda: the promotion of healthy habits and social well-being.

Through a protocol developed by the Department of Social Responsibility and Sustainability, and with the support of this initiative from the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), healthy habits will be promoted, workers who wish to do so will be offered smoking cessation.

In addition, the regional federations that have not established similar policies will be encouraged to take the steps to declare their facilities as smoke-free spaces.

On the other hand, awareness programs and actions will be developed that focus on health protection, especially among children and the youngest. The objective is to accompany those who wish to stop using tobacco, as well as to protect the people affected by their involuntary exposure to their smoke. And, in the case of youth, it will try to raise awareness among this sector of the population to prevent them from starting to consume.

Every year more than seven million people die from direct tobacco consumption in the world, and more than one million people die as a result of exposure to second-hand smoke.