Estopa and ‘Corazón sin salida’, official tune of La Vuelta 23


The Estopa duo, made up of the brothers José Manuel and David Muñoz, with their song ‘Corazón sin salida’ will be the official tune of La Vuelta 23, a Spanish round that will be held on this occasion from August 26 to September 17 between Barcelona and Madrid, in a song that is a “song to emotion and optimism”.

Within the framework of the Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell-70 Conde de Godó Trophy, an ATP 500 tournament that takes place at the RCTB-19899 in Barcelona, ​​Unipublic revealed that the famous duo from Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona) will be in charge, with the song ‘ Corazón sin salida’ from the album ‘Fuego’, to fill the Spanish round with music since, precisely, its release in Barcelona.

“The Vuelta will pass through Cornellà on August 27, and I love the passion with which you (the Estopa) speak of Cornellà, and we want you to be with us, we have set the flying finish line in Cornellà so that you can enjoy that day with us”, assured the director of La Vuelta, Javier Guillén.

The director of the Spanish round assured that the signing of the Estopa allows to close the perfection of the start of La Vuelta 23 from the Catalan capital. “Barcelona is the perfect exit from La Vuelta,” he assured.

“Being able to say that one of the three great cycling starts from one of the great cities of the world, only needed an element beyond the city and sport to define this start, which is the artistic or cultural act. And Estopa perfectly complies with the possibility of reaching that perfection,” he claimed.

Why Estopa? Because, for Guillén, they are “the best.” “We want to be with the best. But you marry very well with La Vuelta and cycling, you have a cycling spirit for what you work for, and you are spontaneous and close people. I identify a lot with you, you are not going at all divos”, he dedicated to them.

Of course, it creates a dangerous precedent. “You are leaders, you are part of our squad of leaders because La Vuelta has had great artists and singers, but having you creates the problem that next year may not be better, the bar is very high,” he acknowledged.

For his part, Estopa singer David Muñoz assured that ‘Corazón sin salida’, which is part of his latest work ‘Fuego’, is an ideal song for La Vuelta. “He is fully a cyclist, he presents life as a race with its ups and downs, seasoned with the enemy of time, which goes by and never goes backwards, always forwards. We had it on point, we thought of this song for La Vuelta because when we did it it was already cycling”, he contributed.

His brother, the guitarist of the group José Manuel Muñoz, added that the song talks about the fact that the heart “wants to get out of the chest.” “It fits very well with the race. We are great fans of cycling and of ‘Perico’. Pedro, ‘we love you'”, he dedicated to ex-cyclist Pedro ‘Perico’ Delgado, for years a commentator on La 1 de TVE, present on the act.

A presentation that was opened by the Barcelona City Councilor for Sports, David Escudé. “The icing on the cake was missing, the soundtrack with which many of us have grown up. It is perhaps the last of the great news from La Vuelta. And it makes a lot of sense that Estopa is the one who composed the song, because they are great fans of cycling. I appreciate the availability from minute 1,” he said.

The song ‘Corazón sin salida’ and the spot for La Vuelta 23 will be broadcast on RTVE channels from now until the start of the Spanish round. A song that exudes “freshness, ingenuity or imagination” as well as being a “hymn to emotion and optimism”, the work of some Estopa who released their first album in 1999 and who have sold more than 6 million records in their career.