Ana Obregón, to her deceased son: “I hope you forgive from heaven those who deny your daughter’s right to live”

“When looks of infinite love don’t need words. Who would have thought that 30 years later I would be giving your daughter a bottle, my Aless. I wish you were still here with us. I wish cancer hadn’t stolen your right to live, I hope you forgive from heaven those who now deny your daughter’s right to live. And for you, my Anita, I will take care of you and protect you, you will never lack my immeasurable love or anything financial, because for that your grandmother worked 40 years. Hoping that your dad will inherit it one day and I just hope that when you grow up surrounded by the love of all your cousins, your 11 uncles, your grandmother and your dad in heaven you will be a strong, happy, generous, supportive and healthy woman. , and that you forgive as I have done to those who denied you your right to live. Thank you, my Anita, for giving me back my life.” Are the words that she dedicates Ana Obregon to her son Aless and her daughter-granddaughter Ania together with the photographs of both of them while she gives them a bottle. The one of the girl is taken these days while the one of the deceased Aless is from almost 31 years ago

The images are truly precious, with the tenderness of two precious babies while Ana feeds them. But Ana goes far beyond motherly language and throws a dart at those who have not thought that she is doing the right thing. “I hope that when you are older (…) you forgive as I have done to those who denied you your right to live”says the actress. She also defends herself against those who question the age difference that separates her from her daughter-granddaughter, no less than 68 years, remembering that she will be “surrounded by the love” of her cousins, her “11 uncles”, her grandmother “and your daddy in heaven,” he adds.

Experts such as the former Ombudsman for Minors Javier Urra or the forensic psychiatrist jose cabrera They have strongly criticized Ana Obregón. The first said that “Ana Obregón has traded with a life and destroyed the privacy of a girl” and the second has said that she “has crossed all ethical, moral and legal barriers” with what she has done. But now Ana lashes out at the dissenters and accuses them of being “who now deny their daughter’s right to live”. curious interpretation.

Grandfather Lequio is not for Ana Obregón among whom she lists as future protectors of her daughter-granddaughter

Ana Obregón at no time makes reference to Alessandro Lequio who, if we believe what the actress says (that the girl is the daughter of Aless), is nothing less than the grandfather of the baby brought into the world by surrogacy.

The actress is still in Miami, enjoying the first days as a mother and grandmother. But it cannot be said that she stays away from the media because she has been the protagonist of two covers so far and there is no doubt that at least for the second one she has lent herself, has collected it and has posed next to the little girl, As in the image that it spreads now, it is free of charge. She ends her text with a few words dedicated to her granddaughter, in which she promises to take care of her and protect her with her life.

The absence of any reference to Alessandro Lequio adds to the suspicions that the attitude of the supposed grandfather of the creature has raised.

María Palacios’ husband has never congratulated Ana Obregón on her motherhood, at least publicly. On the contrary, the latest images of the aristocrat, taken this weekend together with his wife and daughter Ginevra in Galicia, showed us a very serious image of both, with faces very different from those seen in relatives who have just met a Good News. Lequio said at first that he knew everything, to later clarify that she was finding out things. But later she has maintained a prudent and educated silence that, however, has given rise to interpretations. He who is silent grants, it is often said and, in this case, the Italian’s silence at this point is deafening.

Sources of all solvency consulted by this portal can confirm that it is not that there is a bad or good relationship with Ana Obregón: “It is that there is none”, they assure us. From the environment of the great-grandson of Alfonso XIII, concern is observed when seeing the turn that events are taking: “Ana is trying to drag Alessandro Lequio publicly into her life,” our sources add. This Sunday, a journalist said on Telecinco that “Ana Obregón talks to Lequio every day.” However, we are in a position to affirm that this is radically false.

Why isn’t Lequio a last name, didn’t he have grandfather’s permission?

If, as has been published, Lequio asked Ana Obregón not to carry out her plans but she went ahead without her will, the responsibility of who appears to be her grandfather has been imposed on her. Which is food for thought. Perhaps that explains why the biologist registered her daughter in the adoption document with the compound name of Ana Lequio and the surname of Obregón, as we were advancing on April 1. Later she said in Hello that the little girl’s name is Ana Sandra, but she never clarified if Lequio is a surname or just a name.