Was delivery scheduled, natural, or cesarean? It is one of the interview questions that offers Ana Obregon in the new exclusive of Hola. The surprise comes when he answers.
“No idea. I only know that they called me and I went there. I was in a cloud. How many emotions for a human being! Now I have changed tears for the clock. Every three hours the drink, at night too. I have a concern that I’m dying and, of course, I no longer have time to cry, nor do I want to. It’s just that you don’t have to cry anymore.”
The time of delivery: Did you enter the delivery room?
“I didn’t go in. I didn’t dare, but I was next door. As soon as they put her in my arms, I began to cry with impressive tears, which came from inside me, and even the nurses who were around were moved. They had never seen such a reaction. I couldn’t stop crying with emotion and happiness. You don’t know what it was. I said: ‘Here she is, Aless, here is your girl. She has come into the world.’ The first thing I most wanted life was my son, and this has been the second most desired, because this has been desired from infinity, from eternity, from heaven.
“For now it doesn’t look like anyone, because he was just born. But what I feel when I hug her is like I’m hugging my son, because deep down I’m hugging my son. It’s all I have left of him alive.”
Are you going to baptize her?
Yes, he will baptize her but he has not thought about who his godfather and godmother will be. “With all this that has happened to me, there came a time when she was very angry with God, so angry, but super angry. Because I begged him so much and he didn’t listen to me. And now it has been like a reconciliation. And another very important thing: I’m going to stop mourning, “she concludes.