Is called Johanna, is 22 years old, is from Barcelona and is experiencing one of the most special moments for any girl: the first great love. And she does it with neither more nor less than the most handsome and educated bachelor of the Royal House, Pablo Urdangarin. the son of the infanta christina He has conquered us all with his knowledge, his passion for sports, his discipline, his kindness and those blue eyes that not even the same sea that his grandfather’s Rascal sails. However, dating the most popular offspring of Iñaki Urdangarin It also has its drawbacks and they are not few.
Also read – This is Johanna, Pablo Urdangarin’s girlfriend: a classmate from his former French school
Pablo and Johanna met at the French Lyceum where they studied years ago and it was now, after the signing of the young man by FC Barcelona for handball and his return to Barcelona, when they resumed contact and their friendship gave way to more. They share a past, friends and even passions, because she is also a great athlete, in her case volleyball. Their romance has a future and proof of this is that they no longer hide and walk together in Barcelona, where they have become the target of the paparazzi in just two weeks. Fortunately or unfortunately, Pablo was already born with popularity in his DNA and has amply demonstrated that he knows how to deal with the press, but can Johanna withstand the media attention?
The young woman has gone from being an anonymous person to one of the most sought after girls by the media in all of Spain. And it is that becoming part of the Urdangarin-Borbón family is no small feat, since the four children of the former Dukes of Palma face public scrutiny of their decisions and also those of their parents and grandparents. And the situation, at least right now, is delicate: the divorce of the Infanta Cristina and Iñaki, the latter’s wedding to Ainhoa Armentia, the return of the emeritus to Spain, the scandals involving the Marichalar cousins… A minefield that not even the royals themselves can sometimes dodge: the infanta Elena is the most prone to bursting out in public and pouting. Her children, Froilán and Victoria Federica, have picked up the baton.
Johanna has only been with Pablo for a few weeks and she has already had to face the first obstacle: the rumor that she is not the only one and that the most handsome grandson of emeritus plays “three bands”. In your early twenties and in times of polyamory, it is not strange to give up your exclusivity and let yourself be loved by as many close friends as possible, but of course, doing it in front of all of Spain or having them do it to you without first notifying you is playing another league.
Falling in love with Pablo Urdangarin is like waking up in a Disney story: Prince Charming is handsome, intelligent, sensitive and even has his life resolved (family assets, contacts…), but he usually arrives accompanied by a villain, a buffoon, a a gulf, a thief and an endless number of characters that complicate the life of the poor peasant girl who, sweet and innocent, dares to give him her heart. Will Pablo and Johanna be a story with a happy ending or will the prince turn out to be a frog?