Franco receives the president of World Rugby: “It is an honor to hear his support for the strategic plan of Spanish rugby”

Bill Beaumont, president of World Rugby: “The growth of rugby in Spain is increasing and I see a great future”


The president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), José Manuel Franco, met this Tuesday with the president of World Rugby, Bill Beaumont, who highlighted the “growth” of the discipline at a national level that is “growing further”, whom he thanked “for hearing his support for the strategic plan of Spanish rugby,” according to a statement.

“It is an honor that Sir Bill Beaumont has come to the CSD and to hear from him his support for the strategic plan for national rugby that we are promoting,” Franco said in statements shared by the CSD, after the meeting between the Secretary of State for Sport , Beaumont himself and the president of the Spanish Rugby Federation (FER), Juan Carlos Martín ‘Hansen’, at the organization’s headquarters in Madrid.

Beaumont has begun this Tuesday a round of contacts with the most important Spanish institutions at the sports level, as well as other meetings with the different Madrid government authorities. Although the bulk of the day will be dedicated to a working day with the president of the FER and his vice-presidents.

“I am impressed by the organization and the plans that the Spanish Federation has in its hands. The growth of rugby in Spain is increasing and I see a great future for boys and girls who want to play rugby in this country,” said the president of World Rugby, which this Tuesday also attended the announcement of Madrid as the venue for the final of the Rugby 7 World Series in 2024, 2025 and 2026, with the Cívitas Metropolitano as the setting.

From the FER they highlighted this “support” of the International Federation to the new strategy of the federal entity. “We are organizing events at an international level and we have the support of national and international institutions for this. The foundations are being laid for the growth of this sport in our country and we have the support of World Rugby. It is the first time that an institution visits us so important worldwide”, concluded ‘Hansen’.