This Tuesday, March 7, marks the 8th anniversary of the death of Santi Tranchocamera of Frank from the jungle and boyfriend of the actress Ana Fernandez. the protagonist of cable girls He has shared a moving message on his social networks to remind him and also to help other people suffering similar losses.
Read also – The heartbreaking message from Ana Fernández seven years after the death of her boyfriend Santi Trancho: “You didn’t have time to see him”
“They say that time heals wounds… I believe that it helps us to soothe that pain that overwhelms us, that accumulation of feelings must remain in a very special place of our being, a box designed with love, to open it whenever we want and wallow in memories and nostalgia… Every minute that passes, every hour, day, week, month, up to 8 years (in my case)”, he wrote at the beginning of his post along with a photo of the cameraman working.
Santi died at just 32 years old due to a motorcycle accident: “During all this time, while I was designing my precious box, many people have written to me and you continue to write to me because the same thing had happened to you (you were suffering the loss of a partner, friend due to motorcycle or car accidents…) and you asked me for ‘advice’ to get ahead…. To this day it never ceases to overwhelm me because I think ‘Do I give advice?’ If I’ve just kept breathing.”
Throughout these years, he has been coping with the pain as he could and letting himself be helped by professionals: “But time is very wise and it has been teaching me without me realizing it. It turns out that it is not only about breathing, it is about surrender to life / universe / God or whatever each one wants to call it. Surrendering is not giving up, it is to stop going against something so superior that it is out of our control “.
In this sense, the actress The protected He added: “It is talking and talking, it is crying. It is going to a therapy in conditions to deal with the issue. It is learning to let go, it is crying again. It is not to stop learning, it is to love simple things, it is not to waste your time, is to open yourself to love, is to pay tribute to the soul / energy that went to the other plane, is to speak and speak again”.
With his message, he tries to help other people who have unfortunately suffered a similar loss: “Since today is a special day on my calendar, to all of you who are going through a duel or a loss, here is a little piece of my learning, Because that’s what life is all about, right? Learning.” And she has sentenced his letter with words full of love for Santi: “Dear Junglecam, dear Santi, today we pay tribute to you.”
Trancho died on March 7, 2015 after suffering a motorcycle accident at kilometer 15 of the M-505 highway. Fernández, for her part, began in 2016 a relationship with her current boyfriend, the singer Adrian Romefrom Marlon, who over the years has become one of his fundamental supports in coping with the immense pain he feels for the loss of Santi.