One Pantoja resumes her wedding plans with her boyfriend Asraf Beno and announces that they will get married this fall in Andalusia. The daughter of Isabel Pantoja and the Moroccan had to cancel their previous marriage plans for June 2020 and in Morocco due to the pandemic. Isa affirms that any of her family will be able to attend her wedding, but she is clear about her preference: “I can live without the love of my brother Kiko, but not without my mother’s.”
Read also– Isa Pantoja sees them and wants them to organize her wedding with Asraf Beno: “It’s a problem”
The sister of Kiko Rivera talks about her wedding plans from Rome, where she has spent a few romantic days with her boyfriend Asraf while they refine their future and have chatted with the magazine Lectures about her personal and family relationships: “I would like my mother to come to my wedding, but I don’t have that in mind. She only goes out to go to work and when I want to go see her I go. If she comes I’ll be delighted.”
The future lawyer clarifies that she would understand if her mother did not go to Cádiz or Seville for the ceremony: “If she doesn’t come, I’ll be just as happy. I’d rather my mother come than my brother.” Isa knows that her mother is not in her best mood: “If she tells me that it is wrong and that she cannot come, I will understand. I am going to get married and whoever wants to come. At first my mother said that she would sing and everything in the wedding, but then Asraf and I went into The Strong House and my mother started not liking Asraf,” he admits.
Now she plays the mother of Isabel Pantoja
Isa and Asraf Beno met in 2018 while participating in big brother VIP6 and an attraction arose between them. When they were already in a relationship, they competed together in 2020 on the reality show the strong house. The bride and groom live together in a town in Cádiz with Albertothe eight-year-old son that Kiko’s sister had with alberto island before turning 18 years old.

That time of difficult adolescence broke the relationship with her relatives, especially with Isabel Pantoja: “Years ago it was all arguments about my partners or because I went out too much. She worried as a mother.” The maturity of one and the circumstances of the other have changed the relationship: “Now she feels better when she tells me things like ‘I’m sad’ or ‘I miss my mother or my brother’. It’s hard because the normal thing is that you tell her tell your mother the problems you have and let her be the one who comforts you. It’s hard to be my mother’s mother”. The young woman acknowledges that Isabel Pantoja has not seen her grandson in recent months “because I know she is not well. My son hurts me.”
Chavelita is in her third year of Law with excellent grades and intends to be a notary. She confirms that she wants to finish her degree before becoming a mother again, and that she would like to have a girl. Both former television contestants boast of the relationship that Asraf has with little Alberto. However, the Moroccan has hardly any relationship with the rest of Isa’s family, partly because Chavelita doesn’t.

“I don’t know if I would pick up the phone from my brother Kiko in the future. Not right now,” clarifies the collaborator of the Ana Rosa Program: “I felt that I had to go to the hospital when he had the stroke. If that had not happened to him, he would not have had contact with anyone. I have withdrawn the lawsuit against my brother but that does not mean that I will resume the relationship. I can live without his love , but not without my mother’s. I know she loves me”, the daughter of Isabel Pantoja has affirmed emphatically.