Modric, Koke, María Corbera, basketball and Spanish athletics, among the winners of the APDM


The Sports Press Association of Madrid (APDM) will present its annual awards during the VII Gala that will take place on Monday, January 30, starting at 8:00 p.m., at the Beatriz Madrid Auditorium, where Luka Modric, Koke will be recognized. Resurrection, María Corbera and the Spanish basketball team, among others.

LaLiga Impulso, the national athletics team, the Madrid players who are members of the U-17 and U-20 soccer teams that are world champions, the Acciona Open in Spain, the Madrid City Council and CETURSA-Sierra Nevada Madrid will also receive awards.

On the other hand, journalist Alfredo Relaño will receive the Professional Career Award and doctor Pedro Guillén, the Medicine and Sports Award for a lifetime dedicated to the care and attention of athletes.

In addition, the gala will reward two long careers in Madrid football. As for the Real Madrid star, a Modric who won four titles last year and shone at the recent World Cup in Qatar 2022, and the rojiblanco captain, a Koke who became the player with the most appearances for Atlético.

The selection of Sergio Scariolo, European champion last summer; LaLiga Impulso, an endowment of almost 2,000 million euros that will allow professional clubs to face the improvement and modernization of their infrastructures; athletics, for its 12 medals in the World and European Championships, will also be honored at the annual APDM event.

At home will feel María Corbera, a paddler from Madrid who is a member of the Spanish canoeing team, who won silver and bronze at the World Cup in Halifax (Canada), and double gold medal and one silver at the European Championship in Munich. In addition, distinctions will be given to the Madrid City Council and to CETURSA-Sierra Nevada.

To the first, “for keeping Madrid in the international spotlight through sport and on the occasion of having been nominated World Sports Capital; to the second, for its Strategic Plan 2020/2030, Sierra Nevada”, says the official statement of the APDM with notification of the winners.

“This will be the VII edition of the Madrid Sports Press Association Gala, whose awards are intended to recognize the contribution made in favor of sport during 2021 and 2022 by all the agents involved in this activity: athletes , companies, entities, clubs and journalists”, he adds.