Alba Carillo, enraged with the “entitled lady” Cristina Porta: “Burefax for you”

There is no going back in this war. After the statements of Christina Porta in it Deluxe, Alba Carrillo he has broken his silence and has exploded against her. So much so that she is willing to take legal action against the sports journalist.

Read also: Exposed the “flirting” of Cristina Porta with Jorge Pérez at the famous Unicorn Christmas party

The model wrote against her this Sunday: “Burofax for Cristina Porta.” And he added on Twitter: “What a bad memory you have, Porta! Let’s remember that you sang us a Christmas carol playing the zambomba without it being Christmas. In front of all of Spain. Now you make a soliloquy about empowerment and accuse me again of what I do in my privacy”.

On Instagram, Carrillo also wrote: “Titled lady: I’ve been off television for a month. Without speaking, commenting or giving an opinion on anything (even if it’s about my own life) and you haven’t had enough of getting a job thanks to me (… .) Can you please stop talking about the topic that none of the leads are talking about.”

Porta’s statements this weekend deeply upset the ex of Fonsi Nieto and Feliciano López. Among other pearls, the former contestant of Secret Story He released: “Machismo disgusts me, but machismo disguised as feminism disgusts me more because an empowered and free woman is not counting how many men you have slept with. It is not having the need to count it or do it if you feel like it, but not to reassure you.”

Read also: Jorge Pérez makes his retirement from television official after the scandal with Alba Carrillo

Luca Onestini’s ex would also have flirted with Jorge Perez at the famous Unicorn Content party. “Have you flirted with Jorge Pérez on the famous night of the company party?” María Patiño asked the journalist this Saturday. She replied “no”, but Conchita’s machine said that she “lies”.

Porta also confessed that he had spoken with Alicia Peña’s husband before putting on the polygraph cables: “I called Jorge, but not so that he would give me permission, but because I would like that, if a friend is going to talk about something related to me, tell me beforehand. I wouldn’t have sat down if Jorge had said: ‘Please, Cris, don’t sit down.'”