Beatriz Cortázar confirms our news: Isabel Preysler refuses to forgive Boris Izaguirre

Tamara’s mother and the Venezuelan had a good relationship, but Boris’ touch on the Marquise de Griñón in an article signed in The country after his homophobic statements cooled their friendship. This is how we told it on December 6 in a news item entitled Isabel Preysler’s anger at Boris Izaguirre for Tamara’s “homophobia”: a broken friendship?.

Well, this Tuesday the journalist Beatriz Cortazar on the radio program Jimenez Losantos confirmed it. Cortázar recounted the same thing that we had anticipated: that the two coincided at the party organized by Moët&Chandon and, at one point in the night, Boris’s husband -Rubén Nogueira-, seeing that Isabel was staying at the table where she was sitting. a free site, he tried to approach her to iron out the rough edges, but the socialite is not willing to resume her friendship with the presenter.

We spoke on Constitution Day on this portal about the elegant perseverance with which it sustains Isabella Preysler her façade of a sweet and super educated woman, but we explained that, at 71 years old, we also know that other strong character of the Filipino woman who sometimes appears and who she takes for a walk when necessary, just like her daughter does Tamara Falco with the dog.

We told that during the party offered by the well-known brand of champagne, of which Preysler she was a godmother, she sang the forty to more than one journalist and that her colleagues in the press were not the only ones who had to endure the reprimand of the queen of hearts.

Also read – ‘Mami’ Preysler, proud of her daughter’s rebirth after the ‘Hurricane Onieva’: “Tamara is very sensible”

It was there that we revealed for the first time that another of those who got a good fight was Boris Izaguirre for which the Venezuelan wrote in the newspaper in The country commenting on the words of Tamara Falco in Mexico during the XIV World Congress of Families. There, the daughter of the Marqués de Griñón expressed herself in this way: “Now we are living in a very difficult moment for Humanity, there are so many different types of sexualities, there are so many different places where you can exercise evil, that I believe that in other generations it will not It was so obvious and it wasn’t so well seen.” Later, somehow, she apologized, but the critics were already on the street. And some were very hard.

Boris, a prominent and active figure in the LGTBi movement, assumed like many that there was homophobia in the words of his friend Tamara and wrote: “In a kind of joint effort we managed to get Tamara away from the deceitful Inigo Onieva. Now we should repeat the effort to distance her from that hateful ideology that surrounds her,” his column read.

In addition, he added that “the organization does not care that they hang Tamara the label of homophobe. They need to feed this publicity, Tamara’s workplace, to maintain their evangelical campaign. I would suggest a move away from bad company and perhaps an explicit apology. You can be a good Catholic without becoming an ultra,” he said in his column.

And of course, after reading this, Tamara got angry with the Venezuelan. But she was not the only one. Her mother came out like a lioness. Isabella Preysler He also got angry, and a lot. He considered it a betrayal of both her daughter and herself. The more serious Boris, married man, award-winning author, who settled down, has occupied a special place in the Filipina’s home. The writer, at 57 years old, left that role of enfant terrible who dropped his pants and underpants and showed his penis in the Martian Chronicles from Javier Sarda and became a presenter, and a regular at top jet parties, with friends like Eugenia Martinez de Irujo o Isabel Presylerwho has admitted him as one of his own and has given him access, like his daughter Tamara and other children of Vargas Llosa’s girlfriend, to his social life.

But the article Boris Izaguirre in The country contra Tamara Falco annoyed Elizabeth Preysler. However, Miguel Boyer’s widow did not say anything to him until Boris tried to approach her during that party and she initially refused to serve him. It was Boris’s husband who, after a long talk, achieved the rapprochement, as we told and now Beatriz Cortázar has repeated. And once face to face, Preysler gave him a good scolding that Izaguirre he endured with his eyes lowered and without protest. She didn’t reply, she just apologized, without further ado, but apparently the situation was more than tense. Ana Boyer was present and also reproached him for that comment. Then each one continued by their side enjoying the party.

Boris has been a good friend of the family for years, so much so that he has been invited to many of their meetings and was a key player in the documentary on the Marquise de Griñón. Now, as things are, we do not know at what point their relationship will be. What we do know is that Isabel Preysler made it clear that with her daughter… Be careful!