Problems for Dani Alves: the woman who accuses him of sexual assault formalizes the complaint at the police station

A woman has formalized this Wednesday a complaint against the soccer player for an alleged sexual crime. She states in her writing that she coincided with Dani Alves in a disco in Barcelona, ​​on the night of December 30 to 31, and that after spending some time chatting and laughing, the Brazilian followed her to the bathrooms where, supposedly, he inserted his hand under the girl’s underwear.

The news broke to the press last Monday, as reported by this portal, but it was this Wednesday when the alleged victim formalized the complaint at the police station. According to her story, she came out of that bathroom crying and met with her friends, to whom she told what had happened. They notified the local security, which led them to a private room, where the Mossos d’Esquadra appeared. At that time, the woman did not want to formalize the complaint and she did so two days after the events, formally accusing Alves of a crime of sexual assault.

The footballer, who plays for Pumas de México, has not made statements in this regard but His environment has rushed to deny everything. They admit that Dani was in the disco that night, but that he left her long before the time at which the woman places him in the bathrooms with her.

Alves married the model from Tenerife in 2017 Joana Sanz, with whom he was very close and in love at the World Cup in Qatar. This Wednesday, the mannequin has deleted her Instagram account. The footballer also has two children (Daniel and Victoria) from a previous marriage to Dinora Santana, from whom he divorced in 2011.