Patricia, Vargas Llosa’s ex-wife, knew that the Nobel Prize winner’s relationship with Isabel Preysler had no future

two weeks before Isabella Preysler announced his separation from Mario Vargas Llosathe ex-wife of the Nobel, Patricia Llosa, already knew the news of the breakup. A source close to the mother of the writer’s children shares with us “Patricia’s satisfaction with the distance between Mario and Isabel,” she tells us. “She was convinced that this relationship was not for life and time has proved her right,” she adds. “She is savoring what she considers revenge after being abandoned by Mario to go with Preysler. She had a very bad time for what she considered a betrayal, but she is one of those who think that where they are given, they are taken. Even so, she feels sorry for the situation of who has been the man of his life”, concludes the source.

Also read – Preysler tells more details about Vargas Llosa’s jealous attacks and the last big fight: “I can’t take one more”

In the program Save me They were the first to ensure that the breakup occurred because Isabel got tired of waiting for Mario to take the step of marrying her. The Peruvian Hispanic systematically refused to say “yes, I want” to his girlfriend. And gossips let us see that at the socialite she worried that she would be left as perpetual ‘mistress’ if the writer died. The reality is that the widow would be Patricia. And Isabel would not receive the slightest pension from her.

The excuse used at first to justify the separation, the presumed unhealthy jealousy of Vargas Llosa, begins to fall under its own weight and the hypothesis of the non-wedding advances.

The writer’s children never looked favorably on their father’s relationship with Isabel and positioned themselves from the outset at their mother’s side. Of course, they continued to maintain a good and respectful relationship with their father, whose economic and patrimonial power is almost at the height of his brilliant literature.