Rocío Carrasco, happy to see the family of Antonio David and Olga Moreno dynamited

Rocio Carrasco that after the separation of Olga Moreno y Antonio David Flores he just had to sit and wait because they would destroy themselves. And just a few hours ago the premonition of him began to occur. The trigger was the little girl’s birthday Lolathe only daughter in common of the former civil guard and the Sevillian, and the excessive prominence in networks that have made her image her father and above all Martha I can, his girlfriend. And all because the birthday party was fully sponsored by different brands with which the reporter works and they had to broadcast the minor’s birthday.

And that made Olga explode, despite the fact that she has always been super prudent: “I do not agree nor have I consented nor will I consent to the excessive and unnecessary exposure that has been made of my daughter on social networks in the last 24 hours.” The former civil guard and Marta have not been taken for granted or, at least, that is what they have shown on their social networks.

Things between Antonio David and Olga are not good. But they haven’t been for a long time. He already has a new life with the journalist and that distanced them. When Olga began the relationship with her representative, information that we advanced on this portal and they denied at first, and that of her ex-husband, Augustine EtienneI end up distancing them. Rocío Carrasco knew that they were already fighting separately but with what has happened these days she is delighted. “She claps her ears,” a person who has contact with her assures us. “She knew that this was going to happen, that they would end up breaking up and that it would end badly. It was just a matter of time,” she assures us.

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Rocío Carrasco “is happy. She is celebrating what is happening between Antonio David and Olga. She is glad that things between them are tense and that at any moment everything goes up in the air,” they explain to us. “Let’s see if they leave her a little alone,” she says. “Rocío knows that they will end up skinning each other on television,” she says.

After their separation, Olga did everything possible to get along with her ex, despite the fact that the news that he had been with Marta Riesco for a long time broke her heart. Olga, despite everything and everyone, was still in love with her husband, and wanted to continue getting along with him, especially for her daughter, but also for her. So much so that even Olga, in the weeks of her custody with Lola, also stayed with David. But the turning point came when the Survivor champion began to rebuild her life with her representative, Agustín Etienne. At that time, Antonio David, and even more so her daughter Rocío Flores, saw it as a betrayal on her part and both he and her distanced themselves from her. Since then, Olga has not spoken practically at all with Ro and with Antonio David just enough.

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You no longer have to hide anything or save forms. The relationship between them is broken and although they ‘understand’ each other through their daughter, they don’t talk about anything else. Only judicial issues continue to unite them. And many of them against Rocío Carrasco. He is the toughest, the one for the lifting of assets, in which both have a lot to lose, although Antonio David obviously has more, in case he is convicted because they ask for four years in prison for him.

With all this panorama, Rocío Carrasco is rubbing her hands. And not only because she is happy about the situation, but because for her it is the best of revenge for her, to see that family dynamited. “She knows her ex so well that she knew that as soon as they separated it was only a matter of time before they killed each other,” someone close to Rocío Jurado’s daughter tells us. “And, of course, she is fascinated to see Olga annoyed because on her daughter’s birthday another acts as a mother. It is what she has lived through for years,” they assure us from her surroundings.