The stormy Christmas of Mustache Arrocet: the Treasury demands almost 130,000 euros

The ex of Maria Teresa Campos It will not enter 2023 on the right foot, at least when it comes to economic matters. Three days before the end of the year, the problems that mustache rice (73) has, presumably, with the Treasury.

Read also“I would slap my face”: Terelu Campos, embittered after the disappointment she received at Christmas

As it is, the magazine Week account this Wednesday that the treasury claims an amount of 127,000 euros. It is not the first time that the Chilean comedian has problems with the Tax Agency.

In 2021, Gustavo González published that the producer of Secret Story He received a notification from the tax authorities advising them that one of his contestants, Edmundo, had a debt of 102,793 euros with the tax authorities. The notification was issued by the Canary Islands Tax Agency, where he had established his tax residence at the time. In 2014, the actor was also investigated by the Treasury. Then, as published by the same weekly, they claimed up to 700,000 euros.

Read also: María Teresa Campos pleads for peace between her daughter, Carmen Borrego, and her grandson

Since his relationship with the matriarch of the Campos clan ended at the end of 2019, the comedian has made headlines for the pitfalls that remained from his courtship, which lasted a total of six years, and for his media scuffles with the Campos sisters, Have him y carmen borrego.

For a time, it was even practically disappeared from the map, its whereabouts being a mystery. At the moment, he is preparing a record with the soprano Pilar Jurado and focused on preparing an exhibition in Malaga, the homeland of his ex-girlfriend.