Piqué requests before the Florida court the approval of the Spanish sentence that seals his agreement with Shakira

This Thursday afternoon, the Family Court number 18 of Barcelona handed down a sentence on the agreement that Shakira y Pique They signed last November at the Colombian’s house in Barcelona, ​​about the future and well-being of their children, and the contacts and obligations that both will have with Milan y Sasha hereinafter.

That regulatory agreement reached by both, together with their respective lawyers, after many hours of discussions and disagreements, was later ratified in the Court. And now it has been the magistrates themselves who have declared it valid, in a purely formal process.

Neither the former Barcelona player nor the singer from Barranquilla can appeal the sentence, as it was they themselves, personally, who gave their consent to the content of the document. From now on, they must wait 20 business days until the Prosecutor, who defends the interests of children above all else, files an appeal or not, although there is no doubt that he will not, since he previously approved the regulatory agreement , ratified in the same Court. Once the sentence is final, it is certain that the lawyers of Gerard Piqué, Paola and Ramón Tamborero, will request before the Court of Miami, the homologation of the sentence, in order to guarantee compliance, in the event that the parents fail to comply with the agreement. This ratification before the North American courts guarantees Gerard Piqué that Shakira does not change her mind or fail to comply with what was signed in Barcelona, ​​every time she visits her children in Miami, in the 10 days a month that she can be with them in that city. As soon as the Christmas holidays are over, Shakira and her children will permanently leave Barcelona and fly to Miami, to start a new family life and she, a new boost to her international career.