Cristina Pedroche reveals the great secret of her non-dress for the Chimes: “They are going to kill me!”

The countdown has begun to live the last day of the year and one of the most anticipated moments: 12 chimes. Cristina Pedroche repeated from Puerta del Sol with Alberto Chicote and this Thursday he has finally revealed what he is going to surprise us with for the eighth consecutive year: Body Painting.

Also read: Cristina Pedroche celebrates her eight years of magic with Dabiz Muñoz

It is an artistic technique in which the body of the model, in this case the presenter, is a canvas on which it is painted. Has been Paul Motorcycleswho received Pedroche this Thursday as a guest at the anthill, the one who has managed to extract the details from the protagonist: “It has little fabric, it is subtle… In the early years it was more fashion and in recent years they have become art, this year’s dress is an art discipline that I haven’t played yet”, she began by saying carefully. “A lot of people have participated and it takes a long time.”

Pablo continued: “Does it have to do with the caves? With the men who painted?” She would reply: “You’re doing well there.” The presenter insisted: “When they hunted, then they painted themselves with blood… Body painting?”. Cristina, nervous, exclaimed: “Josie is going to kill me!” He has also detailed: “The look will have pieces of dresses and things. It is the year that more things happen, more shows. If you normally wanted the cape and I have the dress, this year there is more.”

Just a few days ago, Dabiz Muñoz’s wife revealed the first details of her best kept secret: “Transparencies are back. It is the year in which more people have been involved (almost 100 people know what it is like. I’m nervous but I trust them ). A very important person from another year is back to help me in this one.”