Futsi Atlético Navalcarnero starts the European Women’s Futsal with a win


Futsi Atlético Navalcarnero debuted this Monday in an overwhelming way in the sixth edition of the European Women’s Futsal Tournament, which is being held in the Italian town of Falconara Marittima, after beating the Polish KU AZS UAM Poznan 9-2.

The Madrid team, current champion, added its first win in this competition that brings together the six current champions of the Spanish, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese and Hungarian leagues, divided into two groups of three. Benfica will be their next rival on Wednesday and the winners of each group will play for the title on Thursday.

In its debut, Futsi Atlético Navalcarnero barely gave its rival a chance, which it already dominated 2-0 after two minutes after brilliant goals from Irene Córdoba and Vane Sotelo. Vane Romero increased the distance, but before the break, Poznan cut back with a goal from Alicja.

After passing through the locker room, Futsi Atlético Navalcarnero repeated the script of the first half and a consecutive brace from Vane Sotelo broke their rival’s hopes. Luchi, twice, Leti and Ame Romero closed the tally of scorers for the Madrid team, while Maja scored the other Polish goal.