Shakira, Alejandro Sanz and many more demand justice for Amir Al Nasr, an Iranian soccer player sentenced to death: the other side of the World Cup

The singers are just two in a long list of familiar faces who took advantage of the euphoria and audience of the final of the Qatar World Cup to put on the table the ugliest and darkest football news in recent days: the death sentence of the Iranian Amir Nasr26 years old.

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The information was released last Tuesday, when relatives and friends of the young man publicly denounced that the government would hang Amir Nasr for having publicly defended the rights of women in his country, actively participating in the protests in recent days. They pleaded for the help and solidarity of the participants in the World Cup final, a gesture to stop barbarism. The petition went through social networks and many well-known characters (Shakira, Alejandro Sanz, Rafa Márquez, Godin, Isabel Rábago, Sara Sálamo…) have wanted to raise their voices to defend it.

The case of Amir Nasr-Azadani

The wave of solidarity has managed to focus attention on the case and in the last hours the Persian service has wanted to clarify some points of the information to the BBC: “The judiciary denies that he has been sentenced to death. He is formally charged with serious criminal activity, including murder (meaning he faces the death penalty), but the trial itself has not yet taken place.”

Also, They clarify that he is not being tried for participating in the protests, but for being a member of an armed group that murdered three security agents (including Colonel Esmaeil Cheraghi) during a demonstration for women’s rights on November 16. The officials say that Amir has confessed to the crime and that they have CCTV recordings and other evidence against him and his co-defendants, nine people in all.

On the contrary, local sources affirm that Azadani did participate in the protests but not in the assassination of the army officer, since he was not in the area where the colonel died.