Thousands of people celebrate in the streets of Spain the victory of Argentina in the World Cup


Thousands of people have celebrated in the streets of Spanish cities the victory of Argentina that this Sunday has been proclaimed three-time world champion after beating France on penalties. Since the game ended, the groups of fans have moved towards the center of the cities where they have begun to congregate celebrating and celebrating the albiceleste shirt.

Specifically, in Madrid, some 8,000 people, according to the Government Delegation, have gathered late this Sunday at Puerta del Sol to celebrate the third star of the Argentine team, 36 years after the last one.

The fans wore shirts of the most outstanding players of the albiceleste, with great prominence of Leo Messi, while they sang in a festive tone with flags of the country shouting chants such as ‘Argentina, Argentina, Argentina’ and ‘Messi, Messi, Messi’ in honor of the ’10’ and recognizing the “suffering” of a disputed final.

The celebration has also concentrated 9,000 people in the Arc de Triomf in Barcelona, ​​according to data from the City Council, who have begun to mobilize around 7:15 p.m. this afternoon.

The fans sang in a festive tone, wearing Argentina national team jerseys and holding Argentine flags. Some have even climbed on the streetlights of the promenade to wave them.

In Bilbao, dozens of Argentines residing in the city have come out to celebrate the victory of their team in the World Cup in front of the San Mamés stadium carrying flags, singing in circles and with great euphoria.