Paralympic Committee suspends Russia and Belarus with immediate effect


The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) voted this Wednesday in favor of the suspension of the Committees of Russia and Belarus with “immediate effect”, during an Extraordinary General Assembly held in Berlin.

The IPC pointed out that both are “incapable of fulfilling the obligations of membership” of the Paralympic movement, according to its constitution. To do this, they should be able to ensure “the spirit of fair play, the safety, health and protection of athletes”, in addition to respecting “fundamental ethical principles”.

The decision is made due to the war situation that Russia unleashed in its invasion of Ukraine more than nine months ago, for which the Paralympic Committee banned Russian and Belarusian athletes from the past Winter Games in Beijing. “Before the motions were voted on, IPC members had the opportunity to express their views. This included hearing from the Russia and Belarus Committees,” said Andrew Parsons, IPC President.

“The situation facing the world of sport at the moment is very tense and complex. I hope and pray that the conflict in Ukraine will end as soon as possible, that peace will be secured and that no more will be lost or affected. innocent lives”, he added, confirming that “suspension with immediate effect and until further notice”.