ACB and Centro de Estudios Garrigues create the ‘MBA Sports, Business and Law’


The acb and the Centro de Estudios Garrigues presented this Monday the ‘MBA Sports, Business and Law’ that they will launch jointly and that will offer “cutting-edge” training in sports law and business.

The event was attended by the president of the Centro de Estudios Garrigues, Félix Plaza, and the president of the acb, Antonio Martín, who presented the new programme, arising from the collaboration agreement signed by both institutions.

The MBA will offer students a “state of the art education” in sports law and business. “The course will respond to the demands of professionals who wish to broaden their training in sports law and business, preparing them to face great challenges in the field of sports,” both entities pointed out.

“It is a unique master’s degree, implemented with a top-level partner such as the acb, which has been involved from the beginning to work on the best curriculum and which will offer quality internships to our students. The world of sports requires professionals committed to the law, well-trained and prepared to take on the challenges they face in recent times,” Plaza said.

For his part, the president of the acb, Antonio Martín, commented that the sports industry is “quite young” in preparing executives for the sports sector.

“We are obliged to sit down and reach agreements, the leagues, the federations and the European competitions. I think there is room for everyone. It is difficult, because there are many interests, but we have to try. Sometimes the leaders insist on making it difficult” , commented.