Yolanda Ramos revolutionizes the networks after removing a tit in the Wizink: “This is bigger than Lourdes”

Yolanda Ramos generated a stir this Saturday at the Wizink Center in Madrid. The comedian was one of the guests of the group Ojete calor and, during her performance, she surprised the audience by singing with a tit out of her. Social networks were filled with funny comments about it.

“Yolanda Ramos doing the robot with a tit out. This is bigger than Lourdes, this is bigger than Fatima,” the journalist wrote Rando Pigeon.

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“One more day being the best person in the country”, “I paid 35 euros to see Yolanda Ramos’s boobs at the Ojete Calor concert. The best money invested in my life” or “Yolanda Ramos taking out a boob at the Ojete Calor concert Ojete Calor. One more day being the best person in the country, “said others.

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the actress of Paquita Salas also rocked the emblematic Madrid stage in March of this year. She participated in the tribute to Rocío Jurado, organized by Rocío Carrasco on International Women’s Day. The Catalan interpreter opened the show with a heartfelt monologue about The Greatest and her daughter, who continues to denounce on television the alleged sexist and media violence to which she has been subjected. Yolanda and Rociito have been friends since they met in 2014 in talk to themMediaset program.