The surreal award from Asturias to Eva Longoria (with Olivia de Borbón in between): “Now I am a Lady!”

Not everyone knows that Eva Longoria She is a very loved person in Asturias due to the roots that the American actress has in the Principality. This weekend, the protagonist of Desperate women He has been in Oviedo, where he has received a decoration.

“Dama Longoria,” the 47-year-old interpreter wrote on Instagram this Sunday, along with a video review of her trip. In the chapel of the Chaste King of the Oviedo Cathedral, she received the medal of the Royal Body of the Nobility.

She also wrote, excited: “Now I’m a Lady! My father couldn’t be here but he would have made him a very proud Llongoria (that’s how it used to be written here).” her father, Enriquewas also decorated in this ceremony with the distinction of knight.

Francisco de Paula Henry of Bourbon, Duke of Cádiz, presented Eva with the decoration. the godmother was Olivia of Bourbondistant cousin of Philip VI. Longoria, who received the affection of the countrymen, was very well accompanied by her husband, the Mexican Jose Antonio Bastonand for his son, Santiago Henry. During her visit to Asturias, the actress also took advantage of the time to visit the emblematic Campoamor Theater in Oviedo, among other magical corners of the city of Oviedo, such as the Basilica of San Juan. As for gastronomy, she tasted a good bean stew.

The appreciation that Eva Longoria has for Asturias is strong. In 2017, her visit to the Belmonte de Miranda council went viral. Her ancestors lived there and emigrated to the United States in the 17th century. “It’s strange, but we still have, in Texas, land that the King of Spain gave away in 1603. We still have this land, and we have cows and everything. It looks like Asturias, a little piece of Asturias in Texas. It’s the same, four hundred years later. Texas is in Asturias,” he said then.