Íñigo Onieva, unfaithful and now also delinquent: an old partner reveals the debt of Tamara’s ex

Tamara Falcó’s ex continues to atone for his sins at mass while trouble follows him. And it is that now, taking advantage of the fact that he is in the eye of the hurricane, an old roommate has revealed that Inigo Onieva he is a defaulter, because he has been carrying a debt for years that he has not yet repaid.

Also read – Íñigo Onieva mourns Tamara Falcó in a footstep on Madrid’s Golden Mile: her mother and sister comfort her

Onieva studied for a time in Italy, specifically in Milan, where she shared a flat with other students and occupied the room of a Spaniard who was already returning to Spain. This stated in socialite who negotiated not only the transfer of the bedroom, but also that of the refrigerator that he had bought and that was staying there, for which he was asking 150 euros. Onieva refused while her mother, who accompanied him, tried to haggle and leave the exchange at 30 euros. The owner refused and, according to his version, they finally accepted her conditions when they saw that she did not give her arm to twist. However, they never paid him the money that corresponded to the refrigerator.

Onieva did not want to make any statements in this regard. On Sunday she was in one of the restaurants for which she works enjoying a meal with her family, who has become her best support.