Victoria Federica, the number 1 fan of Roca Rey in Las Ventas: is there something more than a friendship?

Much has been speculated in recent months about the special friendship that Victoria Federica keeps with Andres Roca Rey, one of the most popular bullfighters of the moment. The daughter of the infanta Elena has become her biggest fan and has sheltered the Peruvian from the laying in cities like Seville, Sanlúcar de Barrameda or, most recently, Madrid.

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don’s granddaughter Juan Carlos He went this Wednesday, October 12, to Las Ventas to see his friend triumph, who left the square on the shoulders and shared the poster with Alejandro Talavante and Francisco de Manuel.

the niece of Felipe VI For the occasion, he chose a white cropped shirt, bullfighting-style satin vest and low-rise bell-bottom pants, showing off his abs. She was accompanied by her inseparable Maria Garcia de Jaime. Both recently starred in a controversy for their signing as ambassadors of the fashion firm Hoss Intropia.

After the nerves of the bullfight, Victoria Federica met again with Roca Rey to congratulate him personally for his great work. A meeting in which they were most affectionate and that Victoria proudly shared on her social networks.

It should be remembered that last September, hours before undergoing emergency surgery for peritonitis, Froilán’s sister he attended a bullfight held in Valladolid, where his friend Roca Rey also fought. The Peruvian bullfighter offered him the second bull of the afternoon and both starred in a very special moment with the most affectionate looks and gestures.

This summer, Vic has also been linked to a young model and nightlife businessman Alex Recort. She had her longest relationships with the DJ Jorge Barcenaswith whom she broke up in mid-May after two years, and with the bullfighter Gonzalo Caballerowith whom he cut in 2019 after around three years.
