Pedro Sánchez explains his delay before the Kings: “I left Moncloa when they told me”

The monotheme of the groups of the reception of the National Holiday Day was the serious institutional crisis and the attempt to unblock the CGPJ after the departure of Carlos Lesmes. But there was also a highly commented detail. The 50 seconds that the Kings remained inside the black Rolls Royce waiting for the arrival of Pedro Sanchez. A delay that the president himself would later justify in an informal conversation with journalists at the Royal Palace: “I left Moncloa when they told me.” The truth is that the parade on October 12 began at 11:00. This is stated in the official agenda. And not after 11:04, when Sánchez arrived at the Plaza de Lima, where the greeting line was located.

Once the president arrived, he joined the point of authorities to welcome Felipe VI Already Letizia. At that moment he was heard over the public address system: “At this moment, Their Majesties the King and Queen are arriving, escorted by the royal escort squadron.” And the military parade began.

Little presence of the business world

The subsequent reception at the palace was the reception of the return, of the return to the brightness of normality and the post-pandemic era. A meeting with 2,500 guests from all walks of life, but with very little representation from the business world. The presence of presidents and CEO’s of the Ibex 35 was expected, but they were absent. We see to Antonio Garamendipresident of the CEOE (lower photo), and executives such as Borja Pradofrom Mediaset; Cristina Alvarez Guildirector of El Corte Inglés; Javier NameplateAtlantic Cooper; john coversfrom HM Hospitals; Juan Lopez-Belmonteby Rovi; Blaise Smith from Kiss FM; there Alicia Koplowitz (bottom photo). There was no representation of the big banks or the electric companies.

Commented on was also the absence of Begoña GomezSánchez’s wife, who apparently felt unwell due to the beginning of the flu.

On the other hand, it is necessary to highlight the expectation that the National Holiday aroused, as evidenced by the hearings, which have boosted La 1 to the leadership on Wednesday. The special was followed by 2.3 million viewers (a 40.6% audience share).
