They brand José Antonio Avilés as “mamaracho, illiterate and useful fool”

Social networks are filled with criticism against a Jose Antonio Aviles who has shown his scant journalistic skills and his total disinformation as a special envoy of Save me to the events organized in London as a tribute to the recently deceased Isabel II.

read alsoIsabel Pantoja on the beach: the false photos that sink José Antonio Avilés and make María Patiño cry

There are those who consider him “the useful idiot of the program”, and say that he is “a clown that his classmates laugh at”, and others even describe him as “ridiculous, stupid, illiterate, unpresentable”.

Obviously, sending to the British capital a character who barely knows three sentences in English and who talks more about him than about what is happening around him in these dramatic days for the citizens of Great Britain, seems an insult to the profession. journalistic.

A phrase from an Internet user defines the situation very well: “Sending Avilés to London is like Paco Martínez Soria in the city is not for meone of his funniest films.” And another, more sarcastic, asks if they have sent this controversial individual to England without a return ticket.
