Ana Obregón’s father dies: “Please take good care of my son until he arrives,” says the actress

At 67 years old, and after suffering the loss of his son and his mother, Ana Obregon He lost his father, Antonio García, 96, this Friday, as announced by the actress herself on her Instagram account. “The three people I love the most in my life are not here with me and I swear, Dad, I don’t know how I’m going to do it,” says the artist.

“Last night you left us. It was like a roar that crossed the sky to reunite with Mom, the love of your life and with my son, your favorite grandson. You have lived 96 years; difficult in your childhood when you had to start working during the war when you were just a 12-year-old boy cleaning pigsties, but with your passion and tireless work for 70 years you managed to create a great company. That’s why you received a well-deserved Work Merit Medal.

I have collected millions of unique moments with you that I keep tattooed on my heart and that I will now use to be able to continue breathing because in two years you have left me an orphan of parents and son. Now the three people I love most in my life are not here with me and I swear, Dad, I don’t know how I’m going to do it. It is a privilege and a great honor to be your daughter. Thank you dad for so much. I love you infinity Please take good care of my son until he arrives. Eternally together,

Your daughter Ana”, he says goodbye.

Already last Wednesday, the mother of Alex Lequio conspicuous by its absence at the premiere of My other Jon, the movie of Paco Arango which has given her the opportunity to rediscover her acting career. Very few knew why she shied away from her engagement. Ana is an unconditional of the Aladin Foundation, created by Arango to help children with cancer. The absence was strange.

It was speculated that she could be sick, but nothing could be further from the truth. The answer can be found in her father’s home. Her father had an ailment and her daughter decided to stay by her side. Her father was until this Friday the great love of her life, any care was little, Ana adored Antonio, she more than proved it. And it was her absolute priority.

A source close to the García Obregón family already advanced this Wednesday to Informalia the situation: “We are all very concerned about Antonio’s health, and Ana is the first, and any strange symptom sets off all the alarms. As Ana said a few months ago, she thinks her father wants to meet his great love, it’s that is, with his wife, who died in May of last year. Antonio has been a very familiar man throughout his life, an example for all his children”.

Rest in peace.
