Mar Flores’ son explodes after it was published that he could go to jail: “I settle this unpleasant episode”

If a few days ago we told that Carlo Costanzia he is in love with the actress Michelle Calvothis Wednesday he was once again the protagonist of the heart but for a very different reason, and much more bitter. It was published that he could go to jail for an alleged scam of more than 90,000 euros. The son of sea ​​flowersnow, has given explanations about it.

read alsoMar Flores, anguished by her son ‘Toy Boy’: they ask for 9 years in prison for Carlo Costanzia for alleged fraud

the actor of Toy Boy He has done so through a statement sent to the magazine friend of his mother, Hola: “Given the information that has appeared in various media about the judicial procedure in which I have unfortunately been involved, I wish to clarify the following: that being involved in said case is due to the use of a company of which I am the administrator in a business that I understood lawful”, he explains in a first point.

In a second: “That, at no time has there been the slightest intention to deceive or cause economic damage to any person.” In a third: “That all economic responsibility derived from said cause has been repaired and fully satisfied, finding the same consigned in court.”

And in a fourth and last, sentence: “In order to settle this unpleasant episode, all the parties involved have reached an agreement that they have transferred to the court, pending its ratification.”

The alleged scam

Week explained this Wednesday that Carlo faces nine years in prison for an alleged crime of continued fraud in the sale of high-end cars. Both the son of the socialite and his partner, who responds to the initials of RBM, would be accused of having swindled 92,990 euros.

It all goes back to 2019, when a first plaintiff took action against them, accusing them of not receiving the car for which they would have already paid money as a deposit. This first complainant was joined by another four, who presented their respective demands in the Investigating Court No. 1 of Fuengirola. In total, assured the weekly, there are a total of 38 victims.

read also: Carlo Costanzia, the hot son of Mar Flores, new ‘Toy Boy’ by actress Michelle Calvó

Carlo, in addition to being an actor, is also a model and a great fan of tattoos. For a few years he lives in Madrid. You have to remember that his parents, Mar and Carlo Costanzia of CostiglioleThey broke up when he was five years old. At the age of twelve, his father got custody of him and they moved to Milan.
