The TAD ratifies the suspension of two lifeguards who did not attend a concentration of the selection


The Administrative Court of Sport (TAD) has confirmed the two-year suspension for two lifeguards who did not attend a concentration of the team without justification to prepare for the European Rescue and Lifeguard Championship held in Castellón in 2021.

The TAD has rejected all the allegations presented and has assumed in its entirety the resolution that the Rescue and First Aid Sports Disciplinary Committee had issued at the time. This two-year sanction prevents “the federated practice of the sports modality during this period for the two athletes,” according to the Royal Spanish Federation of Rescue and First Aid (RFESS).

The TAD has rejected the allegations and has highlighted article 47 of the Sports Law, which says that “there is a legal obligation for athletes to appear and attend the calls of the selections for participation in international competitions or for their preparation “. The law itself includes as a very serious infraction “the unjustified lack of attendance at the calls of the national sports teams”, as in this case.

This is an infraction classified as very serious in the Sports Discipline Regulations of the Royal Spanish Rescue and Lifeguard Federation, with a possible sanction of between two and five years of suspension or deprivation of the federative license, in this case being two years. years the sentence that the two lifeguards will have to serve.

In addition, the TAD has specified that the two sanctioned lifeguards “participated in various national and international competitions of the Royal Spanish Canoeing Federation (RFEP) during 2021, some of them on dates close to the high-level concentrations.”

On February 8, the process began through the National Sports Discipline Committee due to the absence of three athletes in the concentration that was held between August 9 and 14 in Barrica, Vizcaya. The penalized ones accepted “not having work availability” to attend, according to the RFESS.

The RFESS itself reports that “one of them justified in the period of allegations that he had suffered from an illness, for which the procedure was archived”, although he did not send the High-Level Director the supporting documents of the “positive result of the test” that it was carried out “as other athletes with the same pathology did, also summoned to the same concentration”.