Rocío Carrasco, on the change of Carlota Corredera by Sandra Barneda: “It has made me very excited”

The daughter of Dew Sworn faces a new television course with the foot in Telecinco. This Tuesday the second part of the documentary was presented In the name of Rociowhich will be released openly this Tuesday and will feature Sandra Barneda as presenter of the debates. Rocio Carrasco She is delighted: “It has made me very happy and very excited. We are friends, we have a wonderful relationship,” she said.

And it is that Rocío and Sandra already worked together in the program talk to them: “She was someone very important to me, together with Yolanda and Marta, they lived with me the moment I was in, when I had to bite the bullet and put on a smile (…) They didn’t know most things. Sandra for me from that moment became someone important in my life. We don’t have a relationship where we talk all day, but we haven’t talked for two months and it’s as if nothing happened,” said the protagonist.

Also read: Sandra Barneda reveals what Carlota Corredera told her when she learned that she was going to be her substitute next to Rocío Carrasco

Charlotte Slidingthe firm defender of Carrasco’s speech in the previous documentaries, is now history and Rocío has also recounted how she experiences her absence: “When they told me that Sandra was going to present I cannot be a hypocrite, nor can I lie nor can I be false. On the one hand I felt sorrow and on the other joy, on the one hand joy because it was her (Sandra) and sorry because Carlota wasn’t thereJorge was not there… It was a feeling that was not found, but it did have a double aspect”.

The ex of Antonio David Flores is ready to return to the media spotlight after a relatively quiet summer that has earned her to recharge her batteries: “I feel good, I feel strong, serene, calm. The slab of my chest is rising more and more. I feel calm and impatient”, has said. In addition, he does not retract everything he has said about his family: “The work has been done to tell the story, but also to raise the figure of my mother. It is a very important job, it is the answer to many years of lies, it’s just that. I don’t regret what I’ve said, I could regret what I haven’t said.”
