Sylvia Córdoba, Pedraz’s ex, gets into the mud of the breakup and puts Esther Doña up to the bitumen

In the controversial rupture between Esther Dona y Santiago Pedraz now there is talk of other people, such as a certain Bruno with whom the widow of the Marquis of Griñón would have consoled these days in Ibiza. The name of the lawyer has also been put on the table Sylvia Córdobathe ex of the magistrate of the National High Court.

read also Esther Doña makes public the WhatsApp with which Judge Pedraz left her: “He told me ‘take care and kisses'”

In the last hours, the lawyer and the socialite have starred in a crossroads of statements. Esther, for her part, has spoken again about the message that Pedraz sent her to leave her. She in turn, she has alluded to Sylvia.

“The message is from the 20th, if he was so clear that the relationship was broken, he could have stopped it [El reportaje de Hola]. I did not know that the relationship was broken. He did know it and it’s like history repeats itself in his life “, Doña confessed this Thursday to the microphones of Europapress.

Esther referred to the story that Sylvia herself has told over the years, assuring that in her day she also received a message from the judge: “He didn’t show his face, he sent me an email of just two sentences. It’s very modern (… ) He didn’t give me any explanation and if he had talked to me I would have understood.”

Now, the lawyer is not amused at all that Esther brings up this story: “She has nothing to do with me in terms of friendship since it seems that she has forgotten everything she has done to me. Let her go for her side that I will follow mine”, has confessed in the last hours in ABC.

read also: Esther Doña, branded “irresponsible”, is still in love and explains the lie of her wedding with Pedraz

Thus, the lawyer has already turned the page: “I am indifferent because he has his life and I have mine, and besides, he made it very easy for me. He acted like a coward and left me alone with the mortgage on a house that we were going to to share and that generates a lot of expenses”, he also said in The world. “I am not his ex, in any case, he is my ex.”

The controversial rupture and the ‘deception’ of the exclusive

Not even in the scripts of the best films and series do plots as surreal as the one we are experiencing these days with the widow of the Marquis of Griñón and the judge of the National Court occur. Last Wednesday the 24th they announced their wedding exclusively on Hola and, just two days later, there were already strong rumors of breakup.

Rumors that were quickly confirmed by the environment of Santiago Pedraz and, a week later, this Wednesday, by the protagonists themselves in the same header. It would have been the fourth wedding for Doña, who in March of last year lost her Carlos Falco at 83 years old because of Covid-19.
