Cristina Fernández de Kirchner comes out alive from an assassination attempt: this is the controversial Argentine vice president

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner She is world news at 69 years old and not precisely because of the will of the Argentine vice president but because they wanted to kill her with a shot to the head. Authorities almost immediately arrested an individual who placed a weapon inches from the head of a Kirchner, in the vicinity of the former president’s home in Buenos Aires. The attacker had appeared on several television programs criticizing the government’s social programs.

The Argentine Government has confirmed that the detained person is a 35-year-old man of Brazilian origin with a history of illegal possession of weapons, previously arrested last March. The Argentine vice president is unharmed inside her home.

In a live broadcast of the Televisión Pública network, it can be seen how a crowd of people greet the vice president in the surroundings of her house, moment in which a person raises a pistol and points it at Fernández de Kirchner’s head.

The Minister of Security, Aníbal Fernández, has detailed that the detained person “had a weapon” and has been detained, initially, “by custody personnel”, according to the Télam agency. “They set him aside and find the weapon. Now this matter has to be analyzed by our people to see the disposition that this person had,” the minister assured.

Jewelry, corruption and political junkie

The widow of former president Néstor Kirchner returned to the political front three years ago after presenting herself as a candidate for vice president of the nation for the Frente de Todos, the party led by the president Albert Fernandez, who was chief of cabinet of ministers of the government of Cristina herself and that of her husband.

Shortly after her return after four years away from the Casa Rosada, the corruption scandal broke out for which she was asked for 12 years in prison after the investigation of the so-called cause of the notebooks: she is suspected of leading an illicit association dedicated to the collection of bribes to large entrepreneurs linked to the construction of public works.

Kirchner, who escaped unharmed last night from the assassination attempt, is at her home and is expected to make a statement this Friday. The president of Argentina has declared the holiday to try to ease tensions. Up to that point comes the tension.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is a person on whom much of the division of Argentines rests. Three years ago, when she was promoting her memoir, entitled Sincerely, and he had not yet returned to power, there were riots on the tour and he faced endless polemics with or against her daily.

Cristina has not stopped wearing Rolex gold inlaid diamonds, luxury bags like the six Lady Dior (minimum 2,000 euros) that we have seen, or gold solitaires and sets of earrings of great luxury. His almost pathological fondness for expensive jewelery goes back a long way and he is not daunted by accusations of corruption. We have seen her with a Tiffany & Co. cross, Ferragamo glasses or pearl necklaces that her personal shopper buys for her, valued at more than 100,000 euros.

Gun with or without bullets?

The gun of the suspect of trying to assassinate the Argentine vice president was loaded with five 380-caliber bullets, although for some still unknown reason it did not fire when it was triggered, according to ‘Ámbito’.

The president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, has described the assassination attempt as “the most serious event that has happened” since the return of democracy to the country.

“Dear Argentine people, shortly after 9:00 p.m. a man attempted against the life of the vice president of the nation. Cristina remains alive because, for some reason, the weapon that had five bullets did not fire despite having been triggered “, expressed the Argentine president in a televised message minutes before midnight (local time).

“This attack deserves the strongest repudiation of all political sectors, of all the men and women who make up the republic. These events affect our democracy”, he added, assuring that social peace has been altered. Fernández has urged Argentine citizens to recover democratic coexistence broken by hate speech, alluding that “deep disagreements” can be had, without engendering the violence.

He has also opted to “banish” violence and hatred from the political and media discourse of citizens: “Argentina cannot lose another minute.” “May the shock, horror and repudiation that this event generates in us become a permanent commitment to eradicate hatred and violence from life in a democracy,” Fernández said, before announcing a national holiday for this Friday so that “in peace and harmony the people can express themselves in defense of life”.

“The Argentine people want to live with democracy and in peace and ours has the firm commitment to work every day so that this is achieved,” he added.

However, some political personalities have come out to show their support for the former president, such as the case of the Argentine Foreign Minister, Santiago Cafiero, who has assured that they have tried to assassinate Fernández de Kirchner.

“They wanted to kill the vice president. It is the most serious act of political violence since the return of democracy. Cristina Force”, he asserted in a message on Twitter. In this sense, the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, has assured that “when hatred and violence prevail over the debate of ideas, they destroy societies and generate situations like today: an assassination attempt”.

Mauricio Macri has also expressed his “absolute repudiation

Former Argentine President Mauricio Macri has also expressed his “absolute repudiation” of the attack suffered by the country’s vice president, and has called for an “immediate and profound clarification” of the facts. “My absolute repudiation of the attack suffered by Cristina Kirchner, which fortunately has not had consequences for the vice president. This very serious fact requires immediate and profound clarification by the justice system and the security forces,” he also said on Twitter.

Some leaders from other countries have also sent messages of support to Fernández de Kirchner.

“We send our solidarity to the vice president of Argentina in the face of the attempt on her life. We strongly repudiate this action that seeks to destabilize the peace of the brotherly Argentine people,” said the president of Venezuela, Nicholas Maduro, in the social network.

Gabriel Boricpresident of Chile, has maintained that the assassination attempt on the vice president of Argentina “deserves the repudiation and condemnation of the entire continent.”

“My solidarity with her, the Government and the Argentine people. The path will always be the debate of ideas and dialogue, never weapons or violence,” the Chilean president stressed.

Bolivian former president Evo Morales He has also condemned what he has described as an “attempted assassination against our sister.” “All our solidarity with the vice president. The Great Homeland is with you, sister. The criminal right-wing and servile to imperialism will not pass. The free and dignified people of Argentina will defeat it,” she added.

The Brazilian presidential candidate Lula da Silva He has sent all his solidarity to Fernández de Kirchner, assuring that “she is a woman who deserves the respect of all the democrats in the world.” Likewise, she has been relieved that she has come out unscathed from an attack perpetrated by “a fascist criminal who does not know how to respect differences and diversity.”

From Cuba, the president Miguel Diaz-Canel He has shown his dismay at the attempted assassination of the former Argentine president, to whom he has transferred all his solidarity. The assassination attempt took place after two weeks of notable political tension in the country following the request of the Prosecutor’s Office of sentence the former president to 12 years in prison for various alleged corruption offences. After the announcement, the government and militants have shown her support for Fernández de Kirchner, although detractors of the vice president had already approached her home to rebuke her.
