AFE announces legal action against Celta if Denis Suárez does not travel with the team to the tour

After the decision of Royal Celtic Club of Vigo of not summoning his player Denis Suárez to travel to Mexico and the United States together with the rest of his teammates, the Association of Spanish Soccer Players has sent a letter to the president of the Vigo entity, Carlos Mourinoin which he transmits that he will undertake the legal actions that are necessary to defend the footballer’s labor rights.

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AFE Remember, first of all, that there is no reason from a legal point of view that allows the club to act in this way. Not allowing a footballer to participate in said concentration may constitute a serious breach of the contract and of the rights of the player provided for in articles 4.2, sections a and b, and 17.1 of the Workers’ Statute; also in article 7.4 of Royal Decree 1006/1985, which regulates the employment relationship of professional athletes.

Also, AFE recalls in the letter sent that article 8 a) of the current Collective Agreement is violated, which establishes that the training will be carried out collectively, not being in accordance with the law any departure, except in cases of recovery due to illness, injury or other justified cause which must be notified in writing to the footballer.

To end, AFE requests that the exclusion of Denis Suárezallowing him to carry out the training sessions and the rest of the technical and preparatory activities under equal conditions and together with the other teammates of the first team.

The association wants to make it clear that it will act immediately when any footballer finds himself in a similar situation.