Toni Abadía and Marta Galimany win the Zurich Rock’n’Roll Running Series Madrid half marathon


The Spaniards Toni Abadía and Marta Galimany have prevailed this Sunday in the half marathon of the Zurich Rock’n’Roll Running Series Madrid, while Carlos Mayo has repeated victory for the third time in the 10-kilometer test and Águeda Muñoz has dominated in the female distance category.

Among 15,200 runners registered in the 21,097-kilometer test, the Aragonese Toni Abadía met the forecasts in the men’s category and signed his second consecutive victory in the Paseo de Recoletos, stopping the clock in 1:04:03.

The podium was completed by Jesús Ramos from Madrid, who debuted with a time of 1:04:37 in the distance, and David Magán from Toledo, who finished far from the leading duo (1:08:49). Chema Martínez, from Madrid, at 50 years old, crossed the finish line in seventh position (1:10:41).

In the women’s category, the marathon runner Marta Galimany was able to get even for the second place of the previous year and sealed her victory in Madrid. The Catalan, with a time of 1:14:20, won alone ahead of Madrid’s Diana Martín, European medalist in the 3,000 m steeplechase in Zurich 2014 (1:19:10), and Paraguayan Francisca Almirón (1: 19:22).

In the 10-kilometre test, Carlos Mayo from Zaragoza achieved his third win in a row, also with a personal record for the Madrid event (29:33), while Olympic middle-distance runner Adrián Ben (31:18) and Fernando González-Mohino from La Mancha (31:32) were second and third, respectively.

Finally, Águeda Muñoz from Segovia took the victory (33:10) in the women’s category after a one-on-one in the last meters with Marta Pérez from Soriana (33:20), who could not endorse her 2021 victory. Irene Sánchez-Escribano from Toledo (33:41) was third.