2,000 troops make up the security device for the Cup final

A total of two thousand troops, of which more than half of the National Policemake up the safety device for the end of the King’s Cup this saturday in Charterhouse between Betis and Valencia, which has been profiled this Friday at a coordination meeting at the Government Subdelegation in Sevilla.

National Police and place of SevillaCivil Guard, private security of La Cartuja, in addition to members of the Fire Department, Civil Protection and 061, form this device that begins this Friday with a pre-critical phase that will last until 3:00 p.m. tomorrow, when a second until the start of the match.

The presence of King Philip VIwhich will preside over the match, has the Civil Guard join the device, which will also ensure security at the Airport of Saint Paul and the fluidity on the roads affected before, during and after the end of the meeting, in whose security more than a thousand troops from different units of the National Police and 750 private security guards from the stadium participate. Charterhouse.

The Subdelegation of Government informs that in the first phase special attention will be paid to the presence of groups of risky supporters of the ultra groups of both teams and preventive control will be established in the city, in addition to reinforcing the Santa Justa railway station, the airport , the exterior of La Cartuja and the accommodation of the participating teams.

The critical phase consists of an anti-terrorist and public order prevention device, with special attention to the stage of Charterhouse and fan concentration areas, and protection controls will be intensified in the hotels assigned to the teams and referees and in the fan meeting areas.

In the specific case of Betisa specific device will be deployed in the vicinity of the Benito Villamarin for fans to follow the meeting through giant screens.

Once the match is over, a phase will be activated that includes the evacuation of the stadium, with reinforcement of security in the boarding areas for fans in coaches and transport nodes, while the anti-terrorist and public order device will be maintained.

This device has been closed in a coordination meeting chaired by the sub-delegate of the Government in Seville, Carlos Toscano, with representatives of the Royal House, National Police, the Seville Civil Guard Command, Police Attached to the Andalusian Government, Royal Spanish Football Federation, Renfe, Betis and Valencia, La Cartuja Stadium, Seville City Council, Emergencies and Santiponce City Council.

The sub-delegate of the Government in Sevilla He stressed that Seville already has significant experience in holding major events and in coordinating preventive and security plans, “in which coordination is key”.

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