Barça opens the telematic procedure to become a member from anywhere in the world

BARCELONA, 12 Apr. (SportsFinding) –

FC Barcelona has activated this Tuesday the procedure for registering members via digital, which allows anyone from all over the world to become a member of the Barça team in an “easy and remote” way, telematically, through a form located on the website.

“We want to make the Barcelona family even bigger. It was an objective and a commitment of this Board, which was ratified by the majority in the Assembly. What we want is for Barça to grow and reach the whole world, so that many people accompany us to make a much bigger club in this 21st century”, explained Elena Fort, institutional vice president of FC Barcelona, ​​in a statement.

Thus, the Board of Directors of Joan Laporta fulfills the electoral commitment acquired to be able to associate with the Catalan club, to make it a “more open and democratic” entity.

Until last June, in addition to those under 14 years of age, only those who had a first or second degree relationship with a partner could be registered as new partners, and in person. Also, those who previously had been for two consecutive years; and those who had been a member of the supporters club for three years or had a commitment card.

The Board of Directors decided to remove the restrictions in June 2021 and agreed that any Barça fan could become a member in person at the Barcelona Support Office (OAB), but the Statutes of the Entity made it impossible for this management to be carried out remotely and digitally.

In the General Assembly held last October, the Board of Directors introduced the option of being able to register as a member electronically in the proposal to modify the Club’s Statutes, and had broad support from the delegates.


The Catalan entity has stated that the new possibility of becoming a member ‘online’ responds to all those fans who have shown their willingness to be members of the club, but because of the distance it was impossible for them to register in person.

“At the same time, it strengthens the global image of FC Barcelona, ​​with a mass of followers and groups of clubs and academies that can contribute to the growth of the entity and spread its motto ‘Més que un Club’ internationally”, they added in the statement. .

According to the latest official data of June 30, 2021, Barça has 137,514 members, of which 55,010 are registered in Barcelona, ​​72,389 in the rest of Catalonia and 10,115 are distributed throughout the rest of the world.

As for the 1,259 Supporters Clubs, 436 are in Catalonia, 667 in the rest of the State and 156 worldwide. As far as fans are concerned, studies estimate that the club has more than 300 million, and also has more than 426 million followers on social networks.