Appointments by Dembélé and Araujo in sight

The renovations of Ousmane Dembele (24) and Ronald Araujo (23) are still not closed but new contacts are planned next week between the agents of the Frenchman and the Uruguayan with the sports area of ​​the FC Barcelona. This is admitted by sources close to both players.

From the surroundings of the French extreme it is pointed out that Moussa Sissokohis representative, plans to travel to Barcelona next week to speak with his player and also with the club, with the intention of trying to find a way so that the renewal of Ousmane be feasible. From Barça it is admitted that there may be contacts but they stick to the last offer that was presented and it was withdrawn to the extreme due to the lack of response from their agent.

not at any price

Meanwhile, sources close to Dembele point out that he wants to continue, as he has already told his teammates Xavibut that it will not do it at any price and with an offer that it does not consider fair.

For his part, the agent Araujo He also plans to meet with the club shortly since the central defender has told him to find a way to continue in agreement with the club. It is also pending to close a meeting with the club the agent of Gavi, Ivan de la Pena. For now there is no date for it.

In any case, yesterday Xavi sent a strong message about Araujo and Gavi: “The club cannot allow either of the two marches, they are important because of how we want to play and I think it is a matter of time before they sign. I am positive and I want to believe that they will stay.” To which he added: “I have already made it clear with the minutes that they play the importance that we give so much to Gavi like Araujo”.

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