The prosecutor maintains the accusation against Santi Mina for sexual assault

Prosecutor Miguel Blasco has made his conclusions final today and has maintained his request for eight years in prison for the soccer player Santi Mina for the alleged sexual assault on a woman that would have taken place on June 18, 2017 in Mojácar (Almería).

During what should have been the last session of the oral hearing that follows before the Third Section of the Provincial Court of Almería, the prosecutor has only modified his letter to emphasize that Mina acted in a “surprising” way, that he was not naked but in underpants when the alleged events occurred, and that they occurred in a “vehicle” and not in a caravan.

The complainant’s lawyer, Iván Bolaño Piña, has also maintained his accusation, who in this case asks for nine and a half years in prison for Mina and the soccer player David Goldar, since he points out that despite not having actively participated in the alleged sexual assault He did nothing to prevent it.

“We believe that there is more than enough evidence, that an objective and rational assessment of all the forensic reports, there are up to six psychological reports, one of injuries, several intermediate reports, reports of assistance… they all corroborate” the aggression, he told the media after finishing the third session of the trial.

Santi Mina, at the oral hearing for the alleged sexual assault (Photo: EFE).

Santi Mina, at the oral hearing for the alleged sexual assault (Photo: EFE).

The lawyer has acknowledged that David Goldar’s lawyer, Manuel Ollé, “has made a very good statement” in this session, which, for him, does not mean that there is no evidence to prove his version of events, noting that at no time have raised to withdraw the accusation against this footballer, but rather on the contrary, to assess the possibility of imputing a greater participation to him.

“The fact that at a given moment the victim, as a psychologist has said, has been able to block, annul, certain elements, which is exactly what confirms post-traumatic shock, does not have enough entity to distort the entire statement after five years maintaining the same version”, he insisted.

The one who has not presented her final report has been Mina’s lawyer, Fátima Magdalena Rodríguez, since due to lack of time a last session has been scheduled for this Friday in which she will present it and the right to the last word will be given to the accused.

Yes, the lawyer Ollé has been able to do it, who has exposed as an exculpatory version that the complainant went voluntarily to a van with Goldar and that when Mina got sleepy she went to sleep in this vehicle, taking off her clothes outside and staying in her underpants due to the limited space in the car.

He has indicated that he went in to look for a watch that he had theoretically lost -something that has been questioned by the prosecutor when he opposed the version that he was sleepy-, and that he lay down inside the van, so that it was the woman who that, according to the lawyer, he would have touched him.

According to Ollé, when the complainant realized that it was not Goldar, she would have left the place and called her friends, then pointing out that she had been sexually assaulted.

During this session, different expert opinions have also been carried out, such as the DNA one, which has been accepted without the need for the experts who carried it out to declare, as well as that of the psychologists who attended the complainant in Madrid and the Balearic Islands, who have influenced the post-traumatic shock presented by the woman, who came to “vomit” in a trash can when remembering the fact during a session.

So have two professors who have acted as experts on behalf of the defense who have carried out an evaluation and analysis of the psychological expertise, pointing out that their clinical judgment is “wrong” and that the treatment received by the woman should have been greater than adjusting to what was stated by said experts.