“I’m in no hurry to reach the highest level”

Xabi Alonso He has a huge challenge over the next two months, which is to try to save Sanse and keep him in Second Division and it is still unknown whether or not he will continue in Real once the season is over. He ends his contract, but he does not give too many clues in an interview granted to ‘FedEx’, one of UEFA’s sponsors. About being a coach he says that “I love it and I’m enjoying it”, but he warns: “I’m taking my steps, I’m not in a hurry to reach the highest level”. Does this mean that he still doesn’t see himself managing a major league team?: “I’m taking things easy and I’m getting to know myself better, as well as gaining more experience to improve.” It is not an answer, but the idea is clear to him. “We will see what will happen in the future,” he affirms, without clarifying whether or not he will renew with Real.

the best teachers

Alonso has been able to drink from the best sources to become the coach of the Real subsidiary: “Fortunately I have had great coaches throughout my career, starting with Toshack in the Royal, Rafa Benitez at Liverpool, Pilgrims, Ancelotti, Pep Guardiola and Mou (Jose Mourinho )”. He acknowledges that “I have learned from each one and have lived through good and bad times. I have tried to understand why they make their decisions to start building my own vision as a coach.”

However, after being a diligent student of the best teachers “you need to build your own personality, your own style. It’s not about copying and pasting, it’s about being authentic and being yourself. That’s the best way you’re going to to be able to transmit or give ideas to the players”. And that’s what he tries to do in the Sanse.