Borja Iglesias, version 3.0

Borja Iglesias sum 16 goals so far this campaign and his challenge is growing with respect to the ten games that remain for the closing. Already exceeded their numbers from last season with the Betis and goes on the hunt for the ones he signed with Spanish before landing in Heliopolis. In that course with Rubi as a technician, left 20 points on stage that served to convince Betis to make a great Economic effort to take the Panda. Now, he finally finds a regular and remarkable performance under the orders of Manuel Pellegrini, who managed to exploit his best version until turning him back into one of the most efficient strikers in the league.

Photo by Borja Iglesias

For the Galician the challenges are multiplied in this end of the campaign. has ahead nine garter quotes and the great attraction of King’s Cup Final to show that its growth since the start of 2021 was no fluke. He has been leaving samples of his turf efficiency and for Pellegrini it became a decisive asset for his attack. He scored the goal against Rayo that made it possible to pass to the cup end and was one step away from delivering a ticket to the rooms of the Europa League before the unexpected chaotic end of Frankfurt.

Shield/Flag Betis

La Liga Santander

*Data updated as of March 29, 2022

version 3.0 of Borja Iglesias has the Pellegrini’s signature. The technician knew how manage true lack of confidence in the footballer since last year and put him fully into his game philosophy. He contributes at a defensive level from his pressure in the rival field and at an offensive level that figures that threaten with shoot up and resemble those already signed in Celta de Vigo and Zaragoza in lower divisions. The rotation policy by Pellegrini It conditioned his playing time. Both he and Willian José share the limelight at the gates of a season finale full of high-profile appointments to continue making a difference at the goalscoring level.