João Félix grows with Atlético… but not yet with Portugal

João Félix flies with Atlético and is one of the fittest footballers in LaLiga, but with Portugal things are quite different. The forward’s growth in the team has not been reflected in the selection and the confidence that Simeone gives him now is not granted by Fernando Santos. João’s contribution in this playoff to the World Cup has been practically residual although, yes, Portugal will be in Qatar and the footballer has time to convince and make a place for himself. And all this, as one of the stars of Atleti.

Photo by Joao Felix

The illusion of João Félix has suffered a slight setback. The front, indisputable now with Simeone, had to settle for 22 minutes in this playoff. Against Turkey he played 19 and against North Macedonia, just three. She had no time to show off. In the semi-final he hurried to put together a shot on goal and make six good passes (100%), but in the final he only touched a couple of balls. Ahead of the athletic are, in the preferences of Santos, Diogo Jota, Bernardo Silva and Otavio. Before Turkey also entered before Rafa Leão that he.

Now he returns to the Atlético discipline with the best of the season ahead of him. The 7 has been decisive in the resurrection of the rojiblancos. Since he entered the eleven he has not left and has pulled the team with five goals and two assists in seven games, plus all the quality details with which he has shone in the League and Champions. But this adventure with Portugal has not turned out as he expected.

Athletic Shield/Flag

The best thing for João is that he has time ahead of him to be important in the World Cup. He has already convinced Simeone, that he has given him stripes whenever he has earned them and now he has given him the keys to Atleti’s attack, although part of the player’s entourage felt that number 7 was underused by the coach, and If he continues like this, Santos will have no choice but to make a bigger hole in his plans.

At the rojiblanco club there is full confidence in João Félix. In truth, it has always been since it arrived as the most expensive bet in history, but now even more, because it is having continuity in performance and aims high. It is a fundamental piece for the present and for the future and this is how comments like Laporta’s are taken: the 7 Not for sale. Neither is it necessary nor does anyone think about that in the Metropolitan, no matter how much pressure Barça or whoever wants to exert. João Félix grows with Atlético and is in time to do so with Portugal.