Murthy earns almost half a million euros

The City of Justice of Valencia experienced this Monday the first trial of Peter Lim’s management, Valencia’s top shareholder, which among other things served to reveal one of the best kept secrets in the Mestalla club in recent years: the president’s salary Anil Murty. The manager receives 460,000 euros gross plus supplements for housing and schooling, health insurance and some flights to Singapore.

The trial was held after the lawsuit a little over a year ago from the Libertad VCF platform, which, in addition to grouping thousands of actions, has forced the club to provide that and other information that its lawyers revealed at Monday’s hearing. The opponents ask for the annulment of the agreement of the board of directors to contract a loan of 16.5 million with Lim’s company “for abusive and for incurring a conflict of interest”; also to declare null the agreement that approved that the salaries of Senior Management could reach 1.5% of the consolidated net amount of the club’s turnover as it is contrary to the complicated economic situation of the entity and that the modification to raise from 11 shares to 3,598 those necessary to attend these meetings “for being abusive and serving exclusively the interest of the largest shareholder.”

His thesis is simple. All these agreements were made seeking Lim’s benefit and not that of the company itself, in addition to having incurred a conflict of interest in the matter of the loan.

Besides of murthy’s salaryLibertad VCF’s lawyer also revealed that the four players whose rights were initially pledged in the loan operation were Mouctar Diakhaby, Gabriel Paulista, Ferran Torres and Geoffrey Kondogbia and that after leaving these last two entered Daniel Wass and Gonçalo Guedes.

For his part, the Valencia lawyer questioned that an association representing 23 people wants to impose its way of managing a company over the majority shareholder and defended the legality of the decisions in question. In addition, he requested that the costs be calculated on the 16 million euros of the Lim’s loan to Valencia.

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One of the responsible for the Freedom VCF, José Pérezexplained at the entrance that his objective in this process is that “the judge reaches the conclusion that the decisions that are being made are not for the good of society but of the maximum shareholder.”

Later he denounced that more than “explaining his management” the club’s lawyer tried to “delegitimize” Libertad VCF “and look for formal errors”. “We are going to continue studying each document and each step it takes. Meriton (Lim’s company). Whatever the judge’s opinion, the next day we will work to audit. This is worth to know what he does Deserve”, he highlighted.

For its part, Álvaro Sendra, the association’s lawyerexplained that this process has allowed them “to find out a lot of things such as the remuneration of members of the board of directors or to obtain a lot of documents, which is something vital to watch over the small shareholder and to allow us to control everything that happens ”.

“The ignoring of us is a common practice, we do not care, they will not move us for that,” said the lawyer, who pointed out that in his opinion the hearing was “good” for his interests.